Saturday, April 13, 2024

We Pause This Blog For

 Tax Time!  (Oh joy)

One last photo from the first playtest. Lessons have been learned and progress made. Now it's time to figure out what we owe Caesar before we return to more important matters.

To be continued.....

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Minnow Deploys Her Cavalry


To be continued.....

Monday, April 8, 2024


I'm a big believer in play testing scenarios that I'm going to run at a "Con". Having a group of friends to play test is ideal but even a solo game can expose issues and omissions that hadn't occurred to me or which had occurred and then were forgotten or dismissed. 

On the weekend I started playing my first scenario only to realise that I had arranged things in a way that gave players too few decisions to make, too few options to choose from, and too little room to manoeuvre and that meant that the game was liable to be fairly boring as well as over in about 1/3 of the time available. So I rethought, rearranged, etc., and came up with a better far.


The game will resume tomorrow.